Dear Customer,

Thank you for requesting an e-statement.To view your e-Statement details, please double click on the attachment.

You need Adobe Acrobat Reader version 6.0 or above to view the statement. If you do not have it, please visit Adobe website to download for free.
To view your e-Statement:
On opening the attached PDF file, you will be asked to enter an 4 character password. Your password consists of the first 4 digit of your ID Number.
Examples: >ID number is 12345678: password to be entered as 1234
It has been noticed lately that some clients receive emails requesting them to provide personal and banking information. As a bank policy, Oman Arab Bank maintains client confidentiality and in order to keep information secure, will never request the customer to share personal or banking information through email. We advise you to kindly ignore and delete such emails.
If you have any clarifications Contact us:
Fil Khidma +968 24754444
Tawasul (SMS Banking) 90302
Oman Arab Bank